Monday, March 14, 2011


Yesterday, while we were in the car driving home, I realized that Lent started on Wednesday. I think it was because someone mentioned Mardi Gras, which really makes me sound like a bad Catholic. I anticipate that the man upstairs will give me a pass since last Wednesday we were pretty consumed with the news of Josh's death.

Every year at this time, like millions of other Catholics, I give up something but in the light of recent events I am seriously considering shirking tradition. Don't get me wrong; I completely believe that it is important to use the 40 day period of Lent for introspection and contemplation. I am just questioning how giving up something seemingly meaningless like chocolate would be substantive.

And, here's the thing, I just don't want to do it. I would much rather find a way to make a positive impact over the course of the next 30 something days than to waste time with a futile exercise. Instead, I propose to do something positive everyday. Whether it is biting my tongue and not yelling at the pharmacist who made a mistake with filling E's asthma prescription (if you know me then you know that this is a MUCH bigger effort than giving up chocolate!) or finally sorting through my closet to donate clothes to Goodwill. I suspect that positive actions like these will be a more meritorious use of my time.

I promise to let you know how it goes...

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