Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Brief Introduction and Beginning

Allow me to take this opportunity to introduce myself...I'm Jennifer, a wife and a stay-at-home mom to a 4 year old princess. Before I had those titles, I was a New Yorker- a title I always thought would apply to me. But like most things, when you think you have things figured out- life throws you a curve ball. 

A year ago, the company that my husband works for relocated our family from New York City to Greenville, South Carolina. I'm going to let you all in on a little secret that I never thought I would say...I LOVE it here. It is a more laid back way of life. People are kind and friendly. More importantly, we have more time together as a family to...well, be a family. That makes it a much better way of life for my little girl. And don't get me started on the weather...it was 65 and sunny today! Not exactly typical weather for NY in February. 

I have spent that past year getting to know the area and trying to start our life down here, but part of me has really just acted like we were "visiting". Don't get me wrong- we are completely unpacked and have been since two weeks after the move. But, I have only just started to make new friends and to actively pursue things which I think reflect permanency- like outside of the home activities and interests and finally getting our house organized and decorated so that it feels like home. 

And that brings me to this blog. There are quite a few blogs that I subscribe to and read on a daily (almost daily) basis...MaxxSilly is one of them. In reading MaxxSilly, I was introduced to reading New Dress a Day which was started by a young lady out in Cali. This girl decided that she was going to make a new outfit for herself everyday without spending more than $365...That's a dollar a day! It was pretty fun to check in to see what she was coming up with. I am not really great with a sewing machine, but I liked her concept of working 365 days toward a goal. And I figured, hey, I can do that. So I'll be spending the next 365 turning Greenville from somewhere I act like I am visiting to where I am proud to live. 

I hope you'll keep me company.

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